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Monday, December 10, 2012


Published by El Nuevo Herald on November 28, 2012
When it comes to gambling, many immediately think of the lottery and casinos, which effects come to be not only a promising game, but also a form of entertainment for adults. However, there are other forms of entertainment where the game is also present and the odds of winning are much higher. Particularly, the races are a prime example that illustrates this statement.
While the chances of hitting the Florida Lotto are one in more than 22 million in horse racing are one among only twelve competitors. That is, if just twelve horses run, only one will win unless there is a tie, in which case there are two winners. More contrast is the Power Ball, which has a chance to win the grand prize, chosen from a total of 175 million possibilities.

In addition, in horse racing coinciding a number of factors absent in the lottery. For example, while the chances of hitting the lottery in 99% depend on luck, in the races the jockey, the trainer, the track conditions and the blood of horses are involved in making betting decisions. Unquestionably chance is important, but knowledge is helpful.

The economic crisis that has plagued the country in recent years has affected the racehorses industry. The proliferation of gaming crowd who have come to compete in this sector has decreased the volume of betting on horses.

The three racetracks to compete in the Great Miami, along with greyhound racing and Jai Alai, have accepted the proposed installation of casinos on their land to supplement their income. The historic racetrack Hialeah Park, hopes to complete by mid next year the launch of a thousand slot machines Vegas style, as part of an initial investment of $ 1,000 million to revitalize all areas adjacent to the racetrack, impacting the city of Hialeah by creating 8,000 direct and indirect jobs.

For the same economic crisis, the number of horses produced has decreased. This has affected the public spectacle of horseracing, with few specimens entered in each competition. For this reason, the state of Florida should re-regulate horse racing. In this way each racecourse will have its operating fixed dates. Thus, Gulfstream Park, Calder Race Course and Hialeah Park will enjoy their respective seasons, with all customers and the same horse universe, rotating for each racetrack.

This regulation is not only in the interest of all parties but in the creation and maintenance of jobs in each area and in the spectacle itself of horse racing.
Economist and Journalist.

BRAMAN FACTOR: Oracle of Miami

Published by "Los Tiempos" Newspaper on August 2012

With a fortune estimated at $ 1,500 million, a son of immigrant Jews of 79 years called Norman Braman, has been for the last 30 years the city of Miami financial guardian and in truth, it is hard to find an economical, political and social recipe where this factor is not involved.
Nominated by President Ronald Reagan as commissioner of immigration in 1981, whose candidacy later withdrew, Braman has never exercised public positions. In 1994 the Governor of Maryland designated November 1 as the day of Norman Braman. Miami Mayor Manny Diaz, Braman granted an award for having contributed to bringing Art Basel to Miami, an event that is currently considered as the most important art fair in the U.S. and among the most prominent in the world.
Braman, after a successful business career in Philadelphia where he became owner of the Philadelphia Eagles Football franchise, was established in Miami in 1975 within the field of car sales reaching 23 agencies and having a large collection of art. Despite his personal success, Norman Braman to achieved greater notoriety for its vertical position in the management of public funds and everything that affects the prosperity of Greater Miami.
In 1982 he led a campaign against a movement that sought to finance, with a tax increase, the remodeling of the Orange Bowl Stadium. Finally, Mr. Joe Robbie built his Dolphin Stadium with their own resources. In 1999, he once again opposed to an increase in the sales tax supposedly intended to improve public transport. Three years later, with the same purpose, Mayor Alex Penelas sought intervention Braman not to carry ballot boxes half-cent increase this time, which ultimately was approved from 7% to 7.5% we know today. In 2008, Braman opposes a massive reconstruction plan of downtown Miami in the amount of $ 3,000 million. It also rejects the construction of a tunnel from I-395 to the Port of Miami for $ 1,000 million on the grounds that according to the law "Florida Sunshine-In Government Act", any early recruitment should be subject to a prior public announcement. A circuit judge rejected this argument and now the construction of the tunnel advances expected that the work is completed in May 2014. In 2011, Braman finance a successful campaign to oust Mayor of Miami-Dade Carlos Alvarez for his proposal to increase property taxes.
Currently Norman Braman's crusade is against the mega-casino to be built in Miami. He has attended several media interviews on the Anglo-Saxons and Spanish radio, reporting which highlights irrefutable statistics that dethrone Miami to Las Vegas as the gambling mecca but also acquire all negative numbers as are national records in foreclosures, unemployment and crime. In addition, plans to create an "American Riviera" in South Beach would be affected by this mega-casino. It is true that the French Riviera is very close to the Casino de Monte Carlo. But the 'Charm' of this small but stately casino proposed differs radically from Miami.
Not everything is pink for Norman Braman. In December 2008 he was the victim of the Ponzi scheme orchestrated by Bernard Madoff. Like many banks, institutions and individuals, Braman lost a considerable fortune in the largest financial scam in U.S.
Norman Braman, defined as "a fiscal conservative but a social liberal as" is having a battle  still pending. For fans of Baseball, Braman's opposition to the construction of the Marlins Stadium was painful.
If something negative should occur, making the Stadium in another 'white elephant' of the city, fulfilling the predictions of Mr. Norman Braman, will probably be called from then on 'The Oracle of Miami'
Economist and journalist.


Published by "Los Tiempos" Newspaper, Julio 2012

One of the most important features that stand out in a down economy is a high rate of unemployment.

In recent months the rate has averaged 8.2% in the United States. However, for those aged between 20 and 24 years, that rate increases to 13.3%, which could be interpreted as an inability of the economy to absorb the young workforce recently joined the labor market. Obviously, if this trend continues, it could exacerbate unemployment in this segment which contrasts with ages between 45 and 54 years where unemployment is only 6.2%. From a demographic standpoint, this sector "aged" is the most productive and consequently is the largest generator of wealth. In other words, "old people is still supporting young ones"

There are two main reasons for the persistence of this sector "aged", medical advances that have extended the life of the worker thereby decreasing their mortality rate, and slowness of economy to create new jobs in the United States. Other factors are also involved. Very few new domestic manufacturing are establishing in USA due to comparative advantages, since is much more convenient to open factories in China and other Asian countries or in Mexico and other Latin countries.
Particularly in China, the wage gap is huge because in this country, hopefully, the employee earns the equivalent of a dollar an hour job.

Now comes the most interesting problems. We live in a market society where obviously the  entrepreneur seeks to maximize its profit. In this respect and because of freedom guaranteed by our system, the employer is free to build where he likes. But, who gives work to the U.S. labor force?
The army of pizza makers and gardeners are also filled.

If you pays to cut your lawn for your home or for pizza delivery, people who receive the money, are receiving an income but are not generating wealth. If you open a shoe factory, will need to buy the equipment and supplies, hire employees, bank loans and export handling if necessary. Around a factory, always set a series of wealth-generating activities. Therefore, it is necessary to manufacture in the U.S. This is important to arouse the interest of the businessmans, giving them wage and tax offset to be able to compete with foreign markets.

Economist and Journalist

The Demon Microchip

Published by El Nuevo Herald on July 23, 2012
In the last few months has been circulating on the Internet what appeared to be an apocalyptic version of health care reform, recently approved by the Supreme Court.  This cyberspace message, along with hundreds of interrelated rumors, flooded network concerning the possible adoption of a bill known as HR3200.
 According to these rumors spread, health care reform known as ObamaCare enacted mandatory implanting into the human body of biocompatible glass capsule length of 11.5 mm, slightly larger than a grain of rice.  This capsule known as Verichip Micro Transponder would be implanted in the hand of patients with all medical information required by insurance and healthcare institutions, such as current conditions and medication used, as well as age, geographic location and way of contacting the patient.
 Of course, this assumption implant in the human body generated a number of comments carried by the opponents to health care reform.  From the political point of view it was a way to control the population since information contained in the capsule reveal party affiliation, bank accounts and other important personal data.  From the religious point of view was probably the mark of the beast, as written in the chapter of the book of revelations 13:16.18. Even still people talks about the March 23, 2013, as the date on which this implementation will be legally required.
 Nothing is further from the truth. The proposal HR3200 was never passed by Congress and therefore was never made into law. Instead HR4872 Act was passed on 17 March 2010.  Neither the law nor approved proposal contemplated that a microchip or any device will be implanted in the human body for any reason.  Just what they did, was create a National Medical Device Registry that allows the Department of Health statistics keep medical devices used "in or on" a patient, such as a cardiac pacemaker.
As we can see, in spite of all the attempts made by different sectors to defeat ObamaCare, this law is a reality and will be in full force in 2014. It was time that the U.S. adopt universal health insurance as exists in most industrialized countries.
 Economist and journalist.

Read more here: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&ei=OwTGUJviCpPm9gSIkoHgCQ&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Del%2Bmicrochip%2Bdiabolico%26hl%3Den%26tbo%3Dd%26rlz%3D1G1ACGW_ENUS390&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=es&twu=1&u=http://www.elnuevoherald.com/2012/07/23/1255877/benjamin-f-deyurre-el-microchip.html&usg=ALkJrhg7DxKCZrekBIsj0ck342rmm-4HgQ#storylink=cpy