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Friday, June 24, 2016


Image result for hispanos no quieren a trump
                                    Published by El Nuevo Herald on May 22, 2016
Sometimes the human being has the vision to anticipate the future, imagining a priori facts that actually happened later. Thus we talk about seven visions that really happened then, and a bad omen that has not yet happened: Trump.
 On April 3, 1993 we published a letter in the Herald where we asked: "What will do Clinton with the wave of immigrants keep coming?" Today we see the settlement of comprehensive immigration reform is considered a priority in the world policy.
 On August 18, 2000 I wrote to the publisher of the Venezuelan newspaper El Universal: "We have tireless repeated to the Venezuelan people that Chavez in Venezuela intends to establish an equal or worse regime that exists in Cuba". Elapsed time, we see that is exactly what has happened in Venezuela.

 On July 2, 2003, we wrote in the Herald: "All economic processes are decreasing to the minimum allowable before falling into a crisis with unforeseeable consequences."Later, in 2009 we really suffered a severe economic crisis, the biggest since World War II.
 On January 27, 2012, I wrote to the Herald: "The trend in previous elections will continue. Let aimed toward a reelection of President Obama. " Indeed, the President was reelected in November 2012.

 In the September 2013 edition of The Times Newspaper I predicted: "President Maduro usurps power with a firm purpose. It aims to plunder what little remains of the National Treasury ".
Today it is known the disastrous economic situation in Venezuela.
 On November 12, 2014, during a forum held in The Miami Herald, I asked the CEO of Carnival Cruise Line, Arnold Donald: "If things were to change in Cuba, Carnival will sail to Cuban ports? His cheerful affirmative answer seemed a preamble of what soon happened.

On December 17 of that year, and when neither knew nor suspected anything,  relations with Cuba was restored and Carnival was the first company that received permission to sail to the island.
 On November 13, 2014, during a conference at the Miami Dade College, I asked the adviser to the White House for the Western Hemisphere, Dan Restrepo: "If something were to happen in Cuba, this administration is willing to meet with opponents? We know what happened. President Obama actually met with opposition during his recent visit to Cuba.

As we see these seven premonitions, among others, they have really accomplished. It is missing a very important one for the future of the United States and it is related to Donald Trump.
In my Trump, China and Cuba column published in El Nuevo Herald on March 23, 2016, specific: "The US presidential elections are usually defined by a narrow margin of two to three million votes. If only 57% of Hispanics who are against Trump actually vote,  Trump already lost to Hillary "

If for any reason this prediction would end up failing and Trump were to become president, political violence could increase as a direct result of the now famous Trump fact, as I emphasize in an interview with the Herald on May 16, 2016: "Things not only  will be worsen, but can be dangerous. "
Actually, if there is a premonition that we would not guess it is this. On the contrary, we wish all the good to the great American nation, the birthplace of our ancestors.
Far from divisions, rancor or discrimination of any kind.
Benjamin F. DeYurre
Economist and journalist.

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