Published by El Nuevo Herald on August 14, 2016
Although states like Vermont and Maine allow criminals to vote in prison, there are nine that permanently prevent the vote to convict. There are four other states, including Florida, which denied the right to vote to ex-offenders and can only be restored by a constitutional amendment. However, the greatest effect, which undoubtedly affects any presidential election in the US is the fact that nearly six million ex-convicts can not vote in elections, despite having served their sentences.
According to the lawyer Dante P. Trevisani, Florida Justice Institute, in the state is estimated that between 1.7 and 2 million people can not vote for having been convicted of a felony.
Particularly in the Miami-Dade County, the number of minor offenses punishable by law has reached a staggering 130,000 in a single year, according to the Public Defender of Miami, Carlos J. Martinez. These minor offenses including traffic fines. Given this huge amount, it is explicable then the proliferation of lawyers representing drivers on courts.
The US has the highest incarceration rate in the world overtaking Russia and China. In the US more than 2.4 million people live in prison, which means that 734 people per 100,000 inhabitants are deprived of their liberty. In particular, the war on drugs unleashed in the 80s made the prison population increased by 800% in that decade. Today prisoners convicted drug reach 22% of all those serving sentences.
This gigantic prison population increased dramatically, not surprisingly, the financial costs of prisons. This made reasonable appearance of seven private prisons in Florida, which theoretically would make less expensive the operation of prisons. However, according to the Florida state representative, David Richardson, these private prisons enjoy more benefits, paid by the state, than public prisons. For example, private prisons have 42% more social programs for prisoners; however, public prisons only have 10% of this programming.
Of course, it is no secret that private prisons are big business. Since 2007 have increased their profits by 244%. Obviously, none of this happens at random. These companies have generously contributed to the re-election campaign of the current governor of Florida. They also have contracts with immigration and lobbiyng aggressive and expensively to maintain a quota of 34,000 undocumented immigrants nationwide at all times. (EFE)
The main problem faced by ex-prisoners is undoubtedly get a job. The others are finding housing, finance their studies or practice a profession. These are human needs that we all have, and consequently we can not deny it to those trying to re-integrate into society. Non-partisan organizations such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the Coalition for the Restoration of Rights Florida (CRDF) and Transitioninc.Org, among others, provide humanitarian aid in these cases.
An interesting aspect of the problem is that black inmates are almost 40% of the prison population and Hispanics 21% (Martí News)
It is estimated that these two groups are mostly inclined toward the Democratic Party. And once their sentences finished shall not vote. Undoubtedly, this favors the Republican Party.
In Florida it is essential to finish collecting the necessary signatures currently circulating as "petition for a constitutional amendment", so that the right to vote is restored to Floridians. It is being proposed to be included on the ballot as "Voting Restoration Amendment".
Actually, this is something right and necessary, which only strengthen the global leadership position that proudly holds our country.
Benjamin F. DeYurre
Economist and journalist
Hola Benjamin, le escribe Ana Laura Pereira, productora de RT en español. Estamos haciendo un reportaje sobre los expresos que no pueden votar, leí un artículo donde usted se expresa al respeto y habla de quien se benefinicia, nos encantaría entrevistarlo. Nuestro corresponsal Nicholas Sanchez está en Florida, tenemos un estudio en Miami, podríamos cuadrar una entrevista con usted; muchas gracias por su atención. Ana Laura Pereira 2023401169