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Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Published by El Nuevo Herald on January 18, 2013
 If you say this month you owe $ 5,000 for your home, obviously you'll want to pay this amount to avoid losing it. However, if you don't have the money in hand, then you become creative and ask the bank to let you pay only the interest for three months until get that money.  After three months you do not have the money and the bank threaten to take away your house.  But you have a brilliant solution.
 As the total value of your home is $ 100,000 and you could not pay the monthly $ 5,000 for the last three months, you ask the bank to make a new loan for $ 115,000 to replace the previous $ 100,000.  The bank barely accepts, but requires you to pay higher monthly interest on your new loan. As you have no other solution, you take the deal even though your salary this year will be lower.
 Because now your income has dropped, next year you face the same situation. This time you ask the bank for a new loan for $ 130,000.  As your salary is decreasing and increasing your expenses, you have two alternatives: either you manage to increase your income or bank takes your house.
This hypothetical situation is very similar to the current debt of $ 16.4 trillion facing the great American nation, with one exception: over 90% of homeowners seeking to refinance your loan with any of the major U.S. banks, simply do not qualify.  And the reason is that usually the owners want to lower your monthly payment and the banks do not want to cut their collection, so they are opposing positions.
 In the case of the U.S. debt ceiling, there is no choice but to raise it to avoid falling into the debt default  . And to default, it would suffice to stop paying interest for about $ 38 billion that will accrue from February 15, 2013 and March 15, 2013.  Of course, for that period are expected about $ 277 billion in revenue to federal coffers in taxes mostly. In other words, there will be enough money to pay the interest, Social Security and the military salaries, but public spending from $ 452 billion will have to be controlled to avoid  raise too much the debt ceiling.
 Traditionally and for many years, the intrinsic behavior of the U.S. economy has been debtor, such as report the New York Times in 1981: "Although the  routine increase in the debt ceiling has been essential to meet public obligations, the vote in Congress has been delayed up to eleven hours, always with the opposition party demanding the party in power cuts in current spending. "
Of course, the most important thing now is to prevent a return to downgrade U.S. credit, which would further increase the interest that the country would have to pay.  Also financial markets could react adversely by the loss of consumer confidence, if not reached to raise the debt ceiling.
Logically, continued growing spending and declining limited income  lead to  inevitable bankruptcy.  So, there is no choice but to prioritize spending and increase income.
How do we increase revenue?  Intensifying domestic manufacturing, making return to U.S. domestic factories.  How do we reduce spending?  Hiring immigrant labor already established in the U.S., who accrue bonds instead of regular pay to compensate the national payroll for relocated factories now in the U.S.
!!! Let us raise the debt ceiling !!!
 Benjamin F. DeYurre
Economist and Journalist 

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013


    Published by El Nuevo Herald on December 28, 2012

In light of the recent slaughter of children in Connecticut, we ask what is the role of the national government in the prevention and treatment of mental illness.
In the U.S. there are excellent private psychiatric hospitals like McLean Hospital in Massachusetts and the Menninger Clinic in Texas.  But what are the government asylums?
 Perhaps the last known was St Elizabeths Hospital in Washington DC, on whose lands run from May 2013 the central command of the National Guard.
 The St Elizabeths Hospital, founded in 1855, came to own 100 buildings and treat more than 125,000 patients, including Richard Lawrence, who tried to kill President Andrew Jackson, and John Hinckley Jr., who shot President Ronald Reagan.
 Now we wonder: where are served the mentally unbalanced without financial resources?  The answer seems inconceivable: in jail.  For example, in Florida, 1,200 jail beds of Miami-Dade County are occupied by prisoners with serious mental problems and so this organism can be considered the largest mental health center in the state.
 The problem is that usually the Public Psychiatry confuses the terms when attending cases such as substance abuse, homeless, AIDS patients and extremely poor minority. Perhaps for this reason, private psychiatric hospitals received only 38% of public funds in 1988, compared with 62% of private funds, including insurance.
 Of course, in definition of  psychiatric diagnosis the doubts persist, as was established with Rosenhan experiment performed in 1972. The psychologist David Rosenhan began sending healthy patients to 12 mental hospitals, individuals masquerading as psychotic. All were admitted and diagnosed with mental illness. Even when fake patients argued feel good, hospitals refused to release them.
As we see, a true psychiatric diagnosis is not easy. The really important thing would be to find "a priori" patients with potential to threaten the lives of others or their own.
If we do not want to see other massacres, like Arizona, where he was wounded Congresswoman Gabby Gifford, the Columbine, the Virginia Tech or this horrendous massacre of children in Connecticut, we have to implement emergency measures. . And among them, surely, must be the creation of a federal mechanism led by the FBI, which issue permits to carry weapons after approval of a psychiatric examination specially designed to detect potential murderers. This is just one of many economic measures we can take to protect the innocent from many deranged swarming our streets.
Lets Go !!!!
Economist and Journalist

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