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Thursday, December 26, 2013


Published by El Nuevo Herald on August 18, 2013

In the not too distant past, people who left their home at midnight were mostly criminals or women of the nights. . Today most of the clubs, open after 12.00 am. At that time surveillance is scarce, drugs of all kinds abound everywhere, the most aberrant behavior and the most indecent stage competing  to choose as the best the most bizarre.
 In Middle and High Schools cigarette consumption has been replaced by powerful drugs.  In the past, who did not smoke "was not on anything." Now, who does not do drugs, does not enter partiers circles and is usually rejected by the majority.
 And is that drug addiction has reached alarming levels among youth, for all they believe have a solution.  If you are down, energy drinks will help.  If you need concentration to study the readily available top amphetamines will make your better grades.  If you do not want to tire at a party, ask anyone near a 'ecstasy'.  If you want to be high, inhale cocaine.  If you want to see the brightest lights, consume LSD.  If you want to be a 20 years old  sexual warrior, mixing the liquor with Viagra.  Or if you want to be cool and have great ideas, just smoking marijuana.
This is not an exaggeration but a disturbing reality.
 In the 60s, in full hippie effervescence, there was a stampede of drug addiction, not as marked as the current. . Many wonder if the Vietnam War could have been won by the Americans without the massive presence of marijuana and LSD among the troops. . At present, many of the veterans of Vietnam remain long hair, riding motorcycles and kept smoking marijuana.
The question to ask is: is this the next generation of leaders to take the reins of the country in the future?  Addicted to drugs?  Many who occasionally tried marijuana in his student days did not continue with the habit. However, now, these existing recreational drugs are more dangerous. They may stay longer, and even lead to heroin, which is often fatal.
 U.S. has to fight this scourge head-to ensure its global hegemonic continuity. It is not enough just small groups of healthy young people who are trained in the different churches and sharing entertainment where the drug is absent.  Neither family supervision is enough simply because the street is even greater influence and becomes rebellious and threatening our children.
It is necessary to infiltrate middle and high education mainly because there is where the dealers are. Therefore, any item in the budget that takes this initiative should have full citizen support.
 One solution would be the mayors of each municipality create covert special forces to clean up their neighborhoods. This itself is a true patriotic action, even more justifiable than regular police forces.
 Everything we do in this regard is not too much. We are talking about the future of the United States of America.
Economista y Periodista 

Read more here: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dlas%2Bdrogas%2By%2Bel%2Bfuturo%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D799%26bih%3D515&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=es&u=http://www.elnuevoherald.com/2013/08/16/1545500/benjamin-f-deyurre-las-drogas.html&usg=ALkJrhhP3wQaE1vNNDb-GuvhBeUIFGdPvg#storylink=cpy

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