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Monday, June 16, 2014


Published by El Nuevo Herald on February 28, 2014
In the late twentieth century, when President Rafael Caldera committed the historical aberration of pardoning coup Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez, no one could imagine it was sealing the fate of a whole generation of Venezuelans.
For all it is known the fiscal deficit increased several times, the real unemployment exceeded 40% of the economically active population, crime rise to the top in the criminological world ranking, the judiciary can not make independent decisions, the National Electoral Council is fraudulent, the most important national decisions are taken in Havana, and even the President Nicolas Maduro may not be Venezuelan.
A once thriving country with serious investments in oil, natural gas, iron, aluminum and hydropower, now has to import most of their inputs and future oil production is committed to China, where much of the exhaust in next eight years has been paid in advance and obviously wasted.
All the government supposedly made for the people, just found it was exactly the opposite: today is worse than living in the Fourth Republic and extreme poverty has been unleashed.
Many offenders with extensive criminal record have joined the government with the purpose of seeking amazing important positions.
More amazing still is knowing that many of them have succeeded, becoming the armed wing of the state to subdue civilians by creating the famous "Rapid Action Brigades", "militia" and "collective", who not are nothing but armed groups that have the motorized "noble" mission quelling any protest, beating up, kidnapping, torturing and shooting unarmed people.
Everything is done in true Cuban style, including media censorship. 
This recipe for repression receiving Venezuela may not have the same drug effect it had on Cuba. On the island, when he won the so-called Revolution, which soon became bloody, there was no current technology, it was only the press, radio and TV,  beginning with the famous magazine Bohemia and then CMQ television, the media in the short term were confiscated and the Cuban population, for three generations, just got used to the mediated news.
In Venezuela the situation is diametrically opposed. With the freedom of expression that Venezuelans have always had, a drastic cut in this proceeding only further fuels the flame of rebellion, as it was found the day when Government took the signal of Radio Caracas TV;  protests were chained to national level.
Just now, tyrannies like Venezuela may silence the media in the country, but can not prevent the entry and exit of violent video by Facebook, Twitter and digital telephony.
Recently, the network is reporting an interesting video where Hugo Chavez stands, then, President Rafael Caldera can not stop general complaining of people, led by students. This is exactly what is happening in Venezuela today, only this time it is not tolerated. 
And it is the way communists are: when they are opposition, they protest in every way possible. When in power, not only do not allow protests, but strongly suppress and kill the protesters. The same principle of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, known as Lenin.
Economist and Journalist 

Read more here: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dinservible%2Bla%2Breceta%2Bcubana%26nord%3D1%26biw%3D1246%26bih%3D795&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=es&u=http://www.elnuevoherald.com/2014/02/28/1690055/benjamin-f-deyurre-inservible.html&usg=ALkJrhgrp4pyoW4lWh7go4Pi5n0F72U2Sw#storylink=cpy

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